How PRP Treatments Could Help Your Hair Loss

26 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog


If you've been losing your hair and you know that you don't suffer from hereditary baldness or alopecia, you should look at your medications or at other possible health conditions. In the meantime, you can gain back your confidence and hair growth with platelet-rich plasma hair (PRP) treatments. Read on to see why you may be losing hair and how PRP hair treatments can help.

What Causes Hair Loss?

While hair loss may be a genetic condition, there are many factors to consider. For example, hormone changes, like undergoing menopause, can cause hair loss. Infections like ringworm can contribute to hair loss. Some health conditions, like hypo- and hyperthyroidism can cause hair loss. Even certain medications, like those treating psoriasis, arthritis, depression, seizures, and heart conditions can have side effects of hair loss.

Your hair loss may go away if some of these conditions are managed or if you find an alternative medication. However, some people continue to have hair loss and seek other treatments like PRP.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelets are found in blood and help to promote healing. Doctors and professionals in the skin and haircare sector believe that if platelets are extracted and then injected into damaged areas of the body, they can help to accelerate healing. By injecting PRP — which contains platelets, growth factors, and proteins — into your scalp, damaged hair follicles may heal and regrow hair. PRP can increase blood supply to the follicles, which, in turn, will cause your hair shafts to become thicker.

What Are PRP Treatments Usually Like?

When you go into an office for a PRP treatment, you'll have your blood drawn from your arm. This blood will then be placed in a centrifuge so that the platelet-rich plasma can be separated out from other blood components.

Once the PRP is separated from the other components in the blood, a professional at the treatment center will place it in a syringe and inject it into areas of your scalp. This part of the treatment may be a little uncomfortable, but it shouldn't be painful. PRP treatment doesn't usually require numbing, but ice packs and cool air can be used to minimize any discomfort.

After the injections, you may be a little sore on your scalp, so you may need to avoid pulling your hair back in tight hairstyles like buns or high ponytails. You may also want to wait a day to wash your hair — and when you do, be sure to gently scrub your scalp.

You may see improvements after a PRP treatment for weeks or months. If the treatment helps your hair loss, you may want to schedule regular PRP hair treatments with hair and skin care service in your area.